Reflecting God's Image: A 10-Day Video Series With Jen WilkinPrzykład

Reflecting God's Image: A 10-Day Video Series With Jen Wilkin

Dzień 8 z 10


Next steps

Consider a circumstance or relationship that needs your patience this week. Pray about how you can abound in supernatural patience and thereby reflect the image of God to those around you.

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O tym planie

Reflecting God's Image: A 10-Day Video Series With Jen Wilkin

Jen Wilkin leads us through key passages of Scripture that teach us about God’s communicable attributes—his qualities that we are called to imitate as we are conformed to the image of Christ in all things. In just 3–4 minutes each day, you’ll be encouraged to look to Jesus as your example as you seek to live the Christian life with joy, perseverance, and faithfulness.
