21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)Przykład

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

Dzień 16 z 21

Restoration through praying together 

From verse 13, the Apostle James is talking about prayers of faith, that we should be praying in all situations whether they are good or bad, happy or sad, in sickness and in health. This is so true and necessary for us today. Paul also says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.

Confessing our faults to one another keeps us accountable for our actions, the passage does not say that we should confess our sins to the elders or a priest but to each other. There may be occasions when this need arises. 

We need to confess our sins to a trusted Christian brother or sister who can pray in faith: they will then know how to pray for us and be more stirred up to do so. This is not an easy thing to do and may make us feel vulnerable. 

Having the ability to pray for each other is a wonderful thing and holds incredible power. As we share our needs with each other we can bring them to the Lord and He is able to bring the healing, restoration and intervention needed. Taking the opportunity to share our needs with other Christians can help us as they may have experienced the same thing and therefore may be able to offer understanding and support for the situation you may be going through. 

The second part of the verse brings real encouragement that prayer of a righteous person can be so powerful and effective in all situations and trials we may be experiencing. 

I would encourage you to develop and nurture a network of trusted Christian friends around you so that you can all pray for anything that may come up, this is such a powerful thing. It can bring comfort and support to the one in need. We need to continue to bring each need that arises before the Lord.

Tremendous power is available from our Lord, as we pray with hearts in one accord.

Prayer Focus:

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank that you have given us the ability to pray to You, help us not to underestimate the power of the privilege to pray with and for one another at times of confession. Thank you for the restoration that this brings. Amen.

Pismo Święte

Dzień 15Dzień 17

O tym planie

21 Days of Prayer (Renew, Rebuild, Restore)

This reading plan is an effective tool for you to pause from the busy schedules of your life and reconnect with God through prayer for 21 days. As you go through this plan, you will be renewed, rebuilt, and restored to the purposes of God for your life.
