Genesis 26:3
Contemporary English Version Interconfessional Edition
You will live there as a foreigner, but I will be with you and bless you. I will keep my promise to your father Abraham by giving this land to you and your descendants.
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Genesis 26:4-5
I will give you as many descendants as there are stars in the sky, and I will give your descendants all of this land. They will be a blessing to every nation on earth, because Abraham did everything I told him to do.
Przeglądaj Genesis 26:4-5
Genesis 26:22
Finally, they dug one more well. There was no quarreling this time, and the well was named “Lots of Room,” because the LORD had given them room and would make them very successful.
Przeglądaj Genesis 26:22
Genesis 26:2
because the LORD had appeared to Isaac and said: Isaac, stay away from Egypt! I will show you where I want you to go.
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Genesis 26:25
Isaac built an altar there and worshiped the LORD. Then he set up camp, and his servants started digging a well.
Przeglądaj Genesis 26:25
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