Genesis 25:23
Contemporary English Version Interconfessional Edition
and he told her: “Your two sons will become two separate nations. The younger of the two will be stronger, and the older son will be his servant.”
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Genesis 25:30
and said, “I'm starving to death! Here and now give me some of that red stew!” That's how Esau got the name “Edom.”
Przeglądaj Genesis 25:30
Genesis 25:21
Rebekah still had no children. So Isaac asked the LORD to let her have a child, and the LORD answered his prayer.
Przeglądaj Genesis 25:21
Genesis 25:32-33
“I'm about to die,” Esau answered. “What good will those rights do me?” But Jacob said, “Promise me your birthrights, here and now!” And that's what Esau did.
Przeglądaj Genesis 25:32-33
Genesis 25:26
The second baby grabbed on to his brother's heel, so they named him Jacob. Isaac was 60 years old when they were born.
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Genesis 25:28
Esau would take the meat of wild animals to his father Isaac, so Isaac loved him more, but Jacob was his mother's favorite son.
Przeglądaj Genesis 25:28
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