The Life of Davidਨਮੂਨਾ

Day 12: 1 Sam. 23-24 x Ashley Bailey, Levite at UPPERROOM
Psalm 105:19 says, “Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him (David).” In 1 Samuel 24, we get a glimpse into one of the greatest tests of David’s life. As you read, you’ll find a humble shepherd boy who was promised a throne, hiding for his life in a cave, running from his father-in-law, who was determined to kill him. One thing stood in between David and his promise: an indignant king. By divine appointment, David was given the upper hand. Would he entrust himself to the Lord or take matters into his own hands? What would you do?
David righteously refused two things: to avenge himself and to take his destiny into his own hands. He had settled in his heart that God alone is the judge and the promoter. God alone defends, and God alone fulfills promises.
As he let his hunter go free without a mark on his body, David’s tender heart was troubled still as he held in his hand a piece of robe he had cut from his adversary. I can’t help but think he was tapping into the reality of the cross to let the guilty go… “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
If God alone is avenger, I need not avenge myself.
If God alone is defender, I need not plead my case.
If God alone is promoter, I need not seek my own promotion.
If God alone is promise keeper, I must resist all temptation to help Him.
Prayer: Father, I thank You that according to 1 Peter 1:7, it is through testing that You strengthen the most precious thing to You: my faith. As You tested David, I invite You to test me. I confess that You are God, and I am not. I confess that I have given up every right to defend myself, avenge myself, and promote myself. Forgive me for when I have cheated You of Your joy to defend me by foolishly defending myself. Forgive me for when I have assumed Your role as avenger and kept those who hurt me on the hook when You have shown me endless amounts of mercy. Forgive me for when I’ve pridefully attempted to help move Your purposes forward in my life. Give me grace today and every day, righteously refusing every opportunity to avenge myself and to take the precious things You’ve promised me into my own futile hands.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

“The Life of David” is an in-depth study through 1-2 Samuel. Together, we will look at how David stewarded his heart through the complexities and challenges he faced. This month-long study will bring biblical context to why we do what we do as a community: ministering to the Lord and establishing a resting place for Him.