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12 Days of God's Character: The Christmas Storyਨਮੂਨਾ

12 Days of God's Character: The Christmas Story

DAY 5 OF 12

Day 5: Obedience

We’ve talked about Mary for the last 2 days, but now, we are jumping into Joseph’s story - a story littered with deep obedience and adherence to the will of the Lord. Upon finding out about his betrothed, Mary's pregnancy, Joseph would have felt betrayed. Of course Mary couldn’t be telling the truth - the Messiah? Carrying the Messiah? Why her? And why did this have to happen to him?

One can only imagine what Joseph must have been thinking and feeling in these moments, but perhaps some of those questions could have been going through his mind. As he finally decides that he will divorce her quietly, an angel of the Lord comes to him in a dream and encourages him to do as the Lord says and take Mary as his wife.

And further, the angel gives Joseph the name “Jesus” for the Child - thus bringing him in as a part of the Lord’s incredible plan for the Savior of the World. Joseph chooses to believe in the Voice of God and walk in obedience, doing exactly as the Angel said.

WOW! Can you imagine the 180 from wanting to quietly divorce Mary to fully coming to terms with the Virgin birth of Jesus? Joseph surrendered to the Lord’s plan and walked faithfully in what God had for him!

So what does that mean for us? It means that we can look to Joseph as an example of how we deal with disappointments, outrage, disrespect, and confusion.

  1. Joseph didn’t respond immediately. He thought quietly first and foremost. Had he immediately responded with anger or divorcing Mary - he may not have been part of the incredible plan to parent the Savior of the World. Let us also hold our tongues
  2. Joseph listened to God. The Lord spoke to Him through an Angel and Joseph LISTENED!! This means that he spent enough time in silence to truly hear the voice of the Lord - let us do the same!!
  3. Joseph was completely surrendered. How easy would it have been to say, “no, God. This isn't fair. Now everyone is going to think I married an unfaithful woman and it’s too hard”? But Joseph doesn’t say this, instead, “He did what the angel of the Lord commanded him…” (Matthew 1:24). Let us walk with the same trust and willingness.

Take a moment to just rest in the presence of the Lord for 2 minutes. Set a timer if you have to!! What may He be putting on your heart for today or even this season? Go in peace, Child. Go in peace.

ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ

ਦਿਨ 4ਦਿਨ 6

About this Plan

12 Days of God's Character: The Christmas Story

Join us on a journey through the Christmas Story in Matthew & Luke, focusing on 12 characteristics of God himself. May you be encouraged this holiday to dive deeper into a relationship with Him!
