12 Days of God's Character: The Christmas Storyਨਮੂਨਾ

Day 10: The Sovereignty of God
Buckle up, friends! Because today we are jumping in deep to the prophecies that Jesus filled - anchoring us to the fact that God is always sovereign and has a plan for each and every moment of our lives. On Day 2 we discussed the genealogy of Jesus and the way that it honored all people, men and women alike. However, what we didn’t discuss too deeply was the way that Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham from years earlier. In Genesis 12:2-3, the Lord promises to make Abraham into a great nation saying, “and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Jesus, a descendant of Abraham is the realization of this promise. As the Savior of the World, He tears the veil that once kept the presence of the Lord inside the temple and made it so that anyone - Jew or Gentile could experience a relationship with God. How is that for a blessing? HALLELUJAH! Abraham, who had to wait over 100 years for his son Isaac to be born, was part of a story bigger than himself. One that would put him in place to be the Father of Israel, and the lineage through whom Jesus would come.
Additionally, we see sovereignty in the story of David as well, where the Lord promises, “Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” (2 Samuel 7:16). Even though Abraham and David were incredibly blessed by God - they didn’t see the full realization of these promises during their lifetime. Honestly, there were probably some days where both men struggled to believe in God’s provision at all. And yet, God was always working. He was preparing the world for His Son Jesus to come from the very beginning.
What does this mean for us today?
It means two things:
- God is always working and we can have faith that His plan is good. Whether you feel an unease in your own life of unrealized dreams, the pain of a corrupt and broken government, or you just don’t hear His voice - you can rest in knowing that God is surely sovereign now, just as He was back then.
- We have to think outside of ourselves. The Lord is working for all of His people to be reunited with Him through Christ as He constantly pursues each of us. Abraham & David didn’t get to live through the birth of Jesus - and sometimes, we won’t get to see the fullness of the promise either here on earth - BUT, that didn’t stop them from celebrating the goodness of God nonetheless. They walked in obedience and faith and we can too!
Go in peace today. We serve a sovereign God. He isn’t surprised by anything that has happened or is happening or will happen. Go in peace.
ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਸਤਰ
About this Plan

Join us on a journey through the Christmas Story in Matthew & Luke, focusing on 12 characteristics of God himself. May you be encouraged this holiday to dive deeper into a relationship with Him!