Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer GuidePrøve

Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide

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Day 3: Pray for reminders of God’s protection

It’s hard to feel safe when the news all around us tells a different story. But here is the truth: We can trust in the Lord’s protection because there is nothing he cannot do. He created everyone and everything in the universe and has complete control over every detail of it.

Nothing catches God off guard or surprises him. Nothing confuses him or worries him. God has known about every single worldly event from the beginning of time (including COVID-19).

Nothing can ultimately harm us. We are in the grip of our heavenly Father. Paul reminds us of this truth when he says: “Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38–39).

On the days when the world seems really scary, remember the One who created the world.

Lord, in the middle of this pandemic, we pray physical protection over our families and friends, asking you to keep us free from illness and disease. But Lord, we also pray for spiritual health and protection. Please remind us that by trusting you, we are healed for all eternity and nothing can separate us from you.

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Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide

As we’re spending lots and lots (and lots) of time with our kids in this season, we have the opportunity to model the priority of prayer in our lives and show them how we go to God no matter what life throws at us.
