Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer GuidePrøve

Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide

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Day 2: Pray for God’s truth to fill our minds

The enemy uses two weapons against us when we’re walking through hard times: doubt and discouragement. Daily news about COVID-19 probably brings you some combination of both of these things. You may doubt that God is going to protect you. Maybe you’re discouraged, wondering if things will ever get better.

Satan is the father of lies and takes every opportunity to deceive us (John 8:44). It’s important that we squelch his lies with the truth of Jesus. For example, if you’re starting to believe God doesn’t see our suffering, or care about what’s happening, fight back with the truth that God is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:17–18).

Franklin Graham says it this way: “Whatever lies Satan tells you in life or whatever chains he has on you, you tell him Jesus holds victory! Although, the world faces darkness, Jesus is the LIGHT of the world.”

Jesus, you are the complete truth. You overcome the lies of the enemy. Help me to identify the lies I’m believing and extinguish them with your truth. Help me understand more of who you are and the love you hold for me. Fill me with a hope, joy, and truth that comes solely from you.

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Pandemic Prayers: Seven-Day Family Prayer Guide

As we’re spending lots and lots (and lots) of time with our kids in this season, we have the opportunity to model the priority of prayer in our lives and show them how we go to God no matter what life throws at us.
