John 16
Tenderness in sorrow. Mony things to be said, but they war slow in the uptak. The end drawin on.
1“Thir things hae I tellʼt ye, that ye soudna stoiter, and be dazed.
2“Ye sall be putten oot oʼ the Kirk: aye, the time is at haun that gin ony ane sheds yere blude, he wull fancy he sers God!
3“And aʼ thae things wull they do tʼye, for that they hae naither kent my Faither nor me.
4“But I hae tellʼt ye thae things, sae whan the time comes, ye sal caʼ to mind I tellʼt ye oʼ them. And thir things I gied‐ye‐na at the first, for I was wʼye.
5“But noo I gang my gate to him wha sent me; and nane oʼ ye speir at me, ‘Whaur gang ye?’
6“But, for that I hae said thir things tʼye yere hearts are fuʼ oʼ dool.
7“Natheless, I tell ye true; better for you that I gang awa; for till I gang awa, the Dear Freenʼ winna come tʼye; but gin I gang, him wull I send tʼye.
8“And whan he is come he wull convince the #16:8 Tak ye tent here, hoo the Spirit labors wiʼ every man iʼ the warld! Nae ane can say, “The Spirit nevir spak to me;” nae mair than a man can say, “Jesus didna dee for me!”warld oʼ sin, and oʼ richtness, and oʼ judgment.
9“Oʼ sin — for they lippen‐na on me.
10“Oʼ richtness — for I gang to the Faither, and ye see me nae mair.
11“Oʼ judgment — for this warldʼs Prince is judged.
12“Mony are the things I hae to say tʼye, but ye canna thole them noo.
13“But whan he is come, the Spirit oʼ aʼ truth, he wull airt ye intil aʼ the truth: for he speaks‐na oʼ his sel allenarlie; but what he hears he sal speak: and he sal open tʼye things no yet come.
14“He sal glorify me: for he sal tak oʼ mine, and schaw to you.
15“Aʼ that the Faither has is mine; and sae said I, ‘He sal tak oʼ mine, and schaw to you.’
16“A wee while, and ye see‐me‐na, and than again, a wee while, and ye sal see me — for I gang to the Faither.”
17Than amang their sels the disciples said, “What isʼt he says to us? ‘A wee while, and ye see‐me‐na; and than a wee while and ye sal see me?’ and, ‘For I gang to the Faither?’ ”
18Sae they speirʼt. “What isʼt he says, ‘A wee while?’ We canna ken what he says!”
19Noo Jesus kent they war fain to speir at him; and said to them, “Dʼye seek amang yersels to ken oʼ what I said, ‘A wee while ye see‐me‐na, and than a wee while and ye sal see me?’
20“Truly, truly say I tʼye, ye sal greet and maen, but the warld sal be blythe; and ye sal hae dool, but yere dool sal come to be blytheness.
21“A wumman in her bearin‐pangs has dool, for that her ʼoor is on her; but as sune as she has borne the bairn, she minds nae mair the pang, for blytheness that a man is born intil the warld.
22“Aʼ ye hae dool and sorrow e‐noo; but I wull be wʼye again, and yere heart sal be blythe; and yere blytheness nane sal tak awa frae ye.
23“And iʼ that day ye sal need to seek to me for nocht. Truly, truly say I tʼye, onything ye sal seek oʼ my Faither in my name, he wull gie ye.
24“Till this time hae ye socht for #16:24 Hoo dour to learn that it was throwe him they were to look for aʼ things! Eftirhaun, they, nae mair nor oorsels, ever thocht oʼ askin for onything, unless throwe him!naething in my name: seek, and ye sal hae; that ye may hae rowth oʼ joy.
25“Thir things hae I gien ye, as it war, in parables; but the time is at haun that I speak nae mair to ye in parables, but sal schaw ye plainly oʼ the Faither.
26“Than sal ye seek in my name; and I say‐na I wull pray to the Faither for ye —
27“For the Faither his ain sel loʼes ye, for that ye hae loʼed me, and hae lippened that I cam oot frae God.
28“I cam frae the Faither, and am come to the warld; again, I leaʼ the warld, and gang to the Faither.”
29Quoʼ the disciples to him, “Aye, noo ye speak to us plain, and divna speak to us in parables!
30“Noo see we weel that ye ken aʼ things, and need‐na ony ane to speir at ye: by this token we ken ye cam forth frae God!”
31Jesus answerʼt, “Dae ye noo believe?
32“Tak tent! the ʼoor is at haun — aye, is eʼen noo here — that ye sal be aʼ skailʼt, ilka man awa to his ain, and sal leaʼ me alane: and yet I am neʼer alane, for the Faither is aye wiʼ me.
33“But thir things hae I said tʼye, that ye micht hae peace. Iʼ the warld ye hae dool and sorrow eneuch; but blythely haud yersels; I hae grippit the warld, and putten it doon.”
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John 16: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.