John 16:33
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“But thir things hae I said tʼye, that ye micht hae peace. Iʼ the warld ye hae dool and sorrow eneuch; but blythely haud yersels; I hae grippit the warld, and putten it doon.”
Utforsk John 16:33
John 16:13
“But whan he is come, the Spirit oʼ aʼ truth, he wull airt ye intil aʼ the truth: for he speaks‐na oʼ his sel allenarlie; but what he hears he sal speak: and he sal open tʼye things no yet come.
Utforsk John 16:13
John 16:24
“Till this time hae ye socht for naething in my name: seek, and ye sal hae; that ye may hae rowth oʼ joy.
Utforsk John 16:24
John 16:7-8
“Natheless, I tell ye true; better for you that I gang awa; for till I gang awa, the Dear Freenʼ winna come tʼye; but gin I gang, him wull I send tʼye. “And whan he is come he wull convince the warld oʼ sin, and oʼ richtness, and oʼ judgment.
Utforsk John 16:7-8
John 16:22-23
“Aʼ ye hae dool and sorrow e‐noo; but I wull be wʼye again, and yere heart sal be blythe; and yere blytheness nane sal tak awa frae ye. “And iʼ that day ye sal need to seek to me for nocht. Truly, truly say I tʼye, onything ye sal seek oʼ my Faither in my name, he wull gie ye.
Utforsk John 16:22-23
John 16:20
“Truly, truly say I tʼye, ye sal greet and maen, but the warld sal be blythe; and ye sal hae dool, but yere dool sal come to be blytheness.
Utforsk John 16:20