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Shouts of GraceVoorbeeld

Shouts of Grace

Dag 18 van 26

Wasted Grace

The multifaceted grace of God can be mind-boggling. When we lump all the resources and provision of Heaven together, it can be hard to comprehend why so many believers are living ordinary lives. Where is the powerful grace of God? Why don’t we see more evidence of it in our everyday lives?

My niece wanted a bike for Christmas. It was a bit out of my budget but riding a bike is important for kids. So I made the investment in a sparkly bike with all the frills a little girl would love. She was so excited. We biked at the university, we biked at the beach, she biked in her driveway, and then she biked no more. It was frustrating to see the gift not used to its potential and that gift experience impacted my willingness to invest in more expensive gifts for my nieces. Why? Because I gave her what she wanted -- a gift with the potential for hours of fun, long rides of fun, short bursts of fun, family outings of fun and solitary time of fun. But she didn’t use it. So much wasted potential.

This event reminds me so much of the grace of God in our lives as believers. Look at what Paul writes: “... we also urge you not to receive the grace of God in vain” (2 Corinthians 6:1). How is this possible? By asking for it, then not using it! When we ask God for grace… we receive it! God’s ability is right there with you in the trial, in the need, in the mess of the moment to empower you to do what He asks you to do. God’s grace is there for the difficult conversations and the bold evangelism, for the sacrifices required and the favor desired. When we ask, God answers! That’s His part, He gives us grace.

Our part is to do. To step out in faith and take action! God’s grace on us and in us without the corresponding action of putting the grace to work is dangerous. Why would God continue to supply grace when we refuse to use it? It is wasted grace -- a gift given but not used. We must put the power and resources of Heaven made available to us to work or there could be negative consequences. Jesus told stories of those who did nothing with the provision given to them, and when the day of reckoning came, they had to give an account for what they did with the grace made available.

Why don’t we see more evidence of grace in our everyday lives? Simple: we receive it in vain. We ask but don’t put it to work. We accept the gift and talk ourselves out of the action. We doubt God has provided the grace needed. But the just walk by faith and not sight! When you pray for grace, believe you have received it, then take a leap of faith! Watch as the grace of God empowers you to do what He has asked you to do.

- Pastor Theresa Aguilar


Ask God to show you where you have asked for His grace and not acted on it. Where might there be wasted grace in your life? When He shows you, repent for not acting on the grace He provided. Receive His forgiveness. Now ask what He would have you to do now in that situation.

Journal Directions

  1. Write about a time when God gave you grace and you acted on it. What was the result?
  2. Now write about a time when God gave you grace that you wasted. What could have resulted instead of the outcome you had to live through?
  3. Where do you need to ask for grace right now for today? What will you do with the grace you are receiving today?

Over dit leesplan

Shouts of Grace

A 5-week daily devotional that will transform you by the grace of God as you invest time and attention in Him and His grace. Jesus invites you to step up into a new season of grace, joy, power, and effectiveness as rewar...


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