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Shouts of Grace

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Grace Through You

Every committed follower of Jesus will do two things: get to know God intimately, and learn to live so God’s grace comes through them. These are foundational for living a life like Jesus.

So, what do we know about the nature and character of God?

(Read Psalm 89:14)

The word ‘lovingkindness,’ or in some translations ‘mercy,’ is a Hebrew word that means ‘loyal covenant keeping love’. It shows us that God is faithful to keep His promises no matter what obstacles stand in our way. God’s love brings light to darkness, and His supernatural power is ready to overwhelm every enemy opposing His good and perfect will. God works this loyal covenant love in and through His covenant people; that’s you and me!

The word ‘grace’ in John 1:17 also reflects the ‘loyal covenant keeping love’ of God that empowers us to live for Him because of Jesus! This means we live with loyalty to God, faithfully acting on God‘s word. This is the life that God desires for His children. If you’re not there yet, don’t worry, God is not done with you. His grace is available to help you live like Jesus. It will take partnering your faith with your actions to get there.

Jesus gives us a pattern for the type of life He wants us to live. He showed us how grace and truth should be expressed through a person. When He started His ministry He read from the messianic prophecy of Isaiah 61 which states that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me to preach good news to the poor, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery to sight to the blind, set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus went on to do all these things through His ministry.

It was always God’s desire that Jesus’ followers would do these same things. Jesus gave authority to the disciples, and eventually the church, to preach the gospel and do supernatural things - now it’s our turn.

I hope you are excited about where you come into this remarkable storyline. God keeping His promises to heal, rebuild and offer forgiveness are graces that come through dedicated followers of Jesus and can come through you now!

“In the evening after His resurrection Jesus appeared to His disciples and told them, ‘As the Father has sent me, I am sending you’” (John. 20:21 NIV). It was important to Jesus that His grace come through all of His followers. So, in His last words to His 11 apostles, Jesus gave this command:

“Go and make disciples…baptizing them…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 NIV).

- Pastor Steve Kobernik


Thank You, Jesus, for trusting me to represent You and the Father by sending Your Holy Spirit to flow through me by the power of Your grace. Help me to forgive and love those around me the way You love and forgive. By Your power and authority I will do miracles in Your name. Amen.

Journal Directions

  1. How am I getting to know God intimately in this season of my life?
  2. Write about one or two times you have allowed a grace of God to flow through to another person. If none, write a prayer letting God know you are ready to be a vessel of His grace.
  3. Write about one or two of Jesus’ graces that seldom or never come through you, but you would like them to, and ask Him for them.

Over dit leesplan

Shouts of Grace

A 5-week daily devotional that will transform you by the grace of God as you invest time and attention in Him and His grace. Jesus invites you to step up into a new season of grace, joy, power, and effectiveness as rewar...


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