The Hope QuotientVoorbeeld

The Hope Quotient

Dag 41 van 60

The Book of Hebrews celebrates incredible men and women of faith who are examples for us to follow. Right after the list of heroes, it says that because we’re surrounded by a “host of witnesses,” we, therefore, should throw off what hinders us.

As a young Christian reading this for the first time, I thought it would say, “therefore let us pray,” or “therefore let us study the Bible.” I was startled to know we “therefore” are to throw off hindering toxins.

It’s shocking to realize that if we desire to be spiritually healthy and walk with God in any effective way, then job number one is to let go of anything toxic. Whatever has the power to kill faith, hope, and our spiritual lives, we must unload.

“If you want to be a person of hope,” God tells us, “you have to let go of everything toxic.”

That means we have to throw out hope-killers that, like predators, destroy dreams. Toxins are so powerful, they can wreck your marriage, ruin your life, destroy your church, or torch your business. It only takes one.

One of the most toxic hope-killers on the planet is bitterness. The resentment that follows bitterness is equally as toxic. It’s emotional suicide. Bitterness and resentment will poison you and everyone around you. 

It’s been said that resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Resentment will not only kill you. It will make you crazy.

One episode of the ancient radio program Amos and Andy featured a man who kept hitting Amos on the chest until Amos couldn’t stand it any longer. Amos complained to Andy one day, “I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to stop that guy from hitting me. I’m going to strap some dynamite onto my chest, and then the next time he slaps me, he’s going to get his hand blown off!” Silly story, but resentment is just that illogical.

Resentment always hurts you more than it does the one who hurt you. 

Think Up:

Bitterness is emotional suicide and a murderer of hope. Let it go.

Bitterness is just one hope-killer, so deal with it now, then deal with the others. (Read on). 

Dag 40Dag 42

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The Hope Quotient

What’s at the heart of every thriving person, every thriving marriage, kid, and business? Hope! The Hope Quotient is a revolutionary new method for measuring—and dramatically increasing—your level of hope. Hope is more than a feeling; it’s the by-product of seven key factors.
