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Confidence in the Gospel // Gospel X - Multiplying the MessageSample

Confidence in the Gospel // Gospel X - Multiplying the Message

दिन 1 को 7

Just imagine, Jesus came to your city or village.
Where do you think He might go?
Would He visit you?
Would He visit the church?

This story in the Bible gives us an idea, of what He might do. He might look for those that are lost. He came to seek the lost. In Mark 2.17 He says something similar: “It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Jesus’ heart burned for the lost people and He had a deep desire to restore the relationship between humans and God. He, the Son of God, became human, Jesus of Nazareth. He lived among us and experienced a normal life with all its challenges, drawbacks, and beauties. Although free of any sins and trespasses, He was crucified for our guilt and paid for our sins. But it did not end there. He rose from the dead and defeated it. He walked on earth once more with his disciples and used the time to encourage and commission them to fulfill the work he started. Then he ascended into heaven, to His Father.

The Gospel is the Good News to you and every person on Earth.
It gives you hope and confidence. You can never be good enough by your own behavior and you don’t have to. Jesus took the burden from you and took it upon himself. You can now stand in front of God - clean and pure.

This is true for everyone who accepts the simple truth of accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.


Day 2