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Journey With Jesus 365Sample

Journey With Jesus 365

दिन 28 को 365

Death could not hold Him!

Have you ever had an experience that devastated you because it didn’t unfold the way you thought it should happen? Looking back on that experience, can you see how God was working through the situation? That is exactly what happened to the disciples. Jesus was dead, and they were completely devastated. That is not how they had pictured him saving them. Even though he had spelled it out for them, they still didn’t get it. The angel told the women, “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said...And go quickly, and tell his disciples." And they departed with great joy! Can you imagine the joy and happiness as their bewilderment started to fade away and they began to realize what God had done. What triumph, what boldness they must have started to feel! No wonder they were able to boldly go into all the world and were willing to die for Him.

How can the resurrection of Jesus Christ give you boldness as you go into the world today?

Day 27Day 29