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Let's Talk About...the Content We CreateSample

Let's Talk About...the Content We Create

दिन 7 को 7

Think back to when you made your first piece of artwork. Maybe you used crayons or markers to create something colorful and fun. Did you keep that artwork for yourself, or did you give it to someone you cared about as a gift?

We often create things that show what we feel inside. That drawing or craft wasn’t just coloring on paper—it was a piece of you. In a way, our actions, words, and creations show what’s important to us. Jesus said that where our treasure is, our heart will be too. When we focus on things like kindness, joy, and peace, we show that these are the “treasures” we value.

Take a few minutes to think about what matters most to you. Maybe draw or write down some ideas that come to mind. Then, consider how you can focus on those things more in your everyday life.


Day 6