Be for RealSample
Have you ever been told to do something, and you said you would do it, but you never followed through? Maybe your parents asked you to take out the trash or clean the dishes, but you didn’t do it. Or it could have been something you said to yourself that you would never do again, like watching that show or saying that thing, but you did it again. 1 John reminds us that when we admit our mistakes, God is always faithful to forgive us. We don’t have to hide or pretend we’re perfect. God’s forgiveness is real and gives us a fresh start every time.
This week, if you fall short or make a mistake, be honest with God and others. Admitting when we mess up and asking for forgiveness helps us live with integrity.
यस योजनाको बारेमा
A middle school devotional designed to help students understand what integrity is and how they can live it out in their everyday lives. In this devotional, you’ll discover what it means to have integrity, what it looks like in real life, and how it can impact you, your relationships, and your faith.