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A Year of Prayer: Season One Weekday Devotionalsनमूना

A Year of Prayer: Season One Weekday Devotionals

दिन 43 को 75

In the Book of Acts, the emerging followers of Christ eat together, live together, and work together for the good of the people and to spread the Good News. The word of God spread quickly and like wildfire as people preached, prayed, and prophesied.

It was not without contention or stress—correction was constantly needed within the ranks of both disciples and converts. Leaders came and went, sin would sneak up, and people would be killed for the Gospel or for their behaviour. It was a Wild West of the Holy Spirit at work, without the religious commands or centuries of doctrine and organisation to bring subdued ‘order’.

The same order that would have made the people less unruly would also make the Gospel people less effective. Scripture says while all the chaos reigned in the places the Christ's followers lived, ‘But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.' (Acts 12:24 NIV)

We can learn from the exciting ways that seeds are dispersed in nature. Science tells us that the most common methods are wind, water, animals, explosions, and fire.

Explosion? Fire? Animals? It sounds more like the plagues of Egypt rather than a way a seed would spread!

But did you know pine trees need heat or fire in order for the pinecones to spring open and seeds to be released? Fire helps seeds long dormant under soil come alive. In Tasmania, the First Nations people governed their ecosystems with ‘fire ecology,’ using controlled burns to eliminate old scrub and bring new life into being.

As we read in Jeremiah of the word of the Lord coming to the prophet, it reminds us that throughout the Old Testament, God worked within prophets and priests, select queens and children and wanderers - and the rest of the population had to seek them out to know the fresh word of God.

Today, this fire ecology of Pentecost - the Spirit poured out on all believers - means we all have the opportunity to hear from God afresh every day. This is incredible!

God has verified this promise: 'In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.' (Romans 8:26-27 NIV)

Right now, you can spread the word of God in your heart and mind simply by seeking God and pursuing a conversation with Christ. What could this incredible promise look like if you were to truly wait to hear God’s fresh voice and will for you?

Prayer: Jesus, you have promised me so much more than I can ask or imagine. I deserve to be separate from you, but your will and gloriousness prove too much for sin, hell, and death. I want to honour you. Help me hear you. Help me seek you. Let me see you as I spend time pursuing your presence today.

Action: Find an empty room. Speak aloud the words of thanks you have to God out of this spectacular week.


दिन 42दिन 44

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A Year of Prayer: Season One Weekday Devotionals

Take a journey through the Bible in four seasons. In this series, we will explore weekly scripture across the entire year, featuring five Bible reflections for your weekdays. Enter into a daily rhythm to unpack relevant connections for life, simple daily actions, and an invitation to become Jesus-centred, led by the Holy Spirit, and see hope revealed.
