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In Victory!नमूना

In Victory!

दिन 5 को 7

Team Spirit

1 Corinthians 12:13 "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit."

Every athlete in a team sport knows that one of the key components of success is team spirit. In the world, team spirit is described as a person showing altruism and solidarity towards their teammates. Collaboration, kindness, respect, empathy, and assistance are all necessary qualities to strengthen the bonds and cohesion of the group.

It is noteworthy that according to the world, the notion of "spirit" refers to the non-physical part of the human being. They therefore emphasize that the unity of a group must transcend physical perceptions and unite athletes to their innermost selves. Although the Bible agrees with the importance of unity, as often, the Lord invites us to go further.

The "spirit" comes from the Greek word "pneuma" which means breath. God adds to the world's definition that breath always comes from outside to inside - which is why He urges us to continually pay attention to the "pneuma" we invite into our thoughts and reasoning. For every Christian, the notion of team spirit must be applied in the light of scripture and the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 4:5 "one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." More than just good synergy and harmonious cooperation, we must form one body under the rule of one master. The interdependence required by the Lord goes far beyond friendly team cohesion. He makes us understand that it is impossible for us to function properly without each other.

Because the Lord is good, He has appointed a transmitter to enable all members of the body to collaborate together. This binding between us is His Spirit, who enables us to have a team spirit that meets His requirements according to the bodily model He has given us. Indeed, the Spirit distributes to each according to their needs for the proper functioning of the body.

Let us be guided by the precious Spirit of Christ, which has united all in Him, and develop a team spirit worthy of the Lord by loving one another as organs of one body.


दिन 4दिन 6

यस योजनाको बारेमा

In Victory!

Athletes take diligent steps to ensure they are trained and prepared for competition. As Christians, we should do the same. This devotional shares some strategies on how to do that, and gives some practical advice.
