
This week’s reading is an opening or unveiling of the seals of the seven scrolls, that we also discovered cannot be opened by anyone other than the sacrificial Lamb. With today’s reading, we will take a deeper look at the first four seals.
In John’s writing, he uses this imagery (from Zechariah 1) of four horsemen. These four horsemen symbolize war, conquest, famine, and death. In order for us to fully grasp the heavenly reality that God has in store for us and its fullness, as well as what we have access to today, we first have to face the reality that exists in opposition to that, full of affliction, oppression, and death. Tragedies all caused by the sins and rebellions of mankind.
There’s a temptation to either hide from God in fear or run from him in anger, which is highlighted as we read this week. He is writing to people seeking relief and justice. But there’s also a promise: those who are faithful will overcome! They will be called conquerors and will be rewarded in the new creation (Ch 21–22).
यस योजनाको बारेमा

The apocalypse ("uncovering" in Greek) that John receives reveals the nature of the world as it is and will one day be. Amidst all of the cosmic imagery is a Lamb and its army who conquer through the power of sacrificial love. This 8-week plan is written by the church and for the church as we seek to follow Jesus in the 21st century.
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