Daniel - Standing FirmSample
To some people keeping the rules sounds boring, but we can all agree that obeying rules and instructions keeps us and others safe. If you don’t obey the rules, there are consequences. At school you might get detention, or a note sent home to your parents. At home you might have your screen time cut or miss out on something fun. In soccer you might get red carded and be sent off the field. Just as there are consequences for disobedience, there are consequences for our obedience.
Obeying God means doing what He says. You might not see it right away, but each decision you make to obey God builds the life that God has planned for you. A life of obedience brings God’s blessing. Think of some Bible Heroes - Joseph obeyed God and saw his dreams come true. Moses obeyed God, followed His purpose and God used him to set the Israelites free. David obeyed God, stayed faithful and he became king. Daniel obeyed God, stood firm and he was blessed. Obedience brings God’s blessing.
यस योजनाको बारेमा
Discover the story of Daniel and learn to stand firm, obey God, hear from God and never give up.