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God's Masterpieceनमूना

God's Masterpiece

दिन 4 को 5

Body Image

Body image is one of the things that most women battle with today and there are so many voices and influences of the world that tell us how to reach that “perfect” body. We see these standards on our social media, Instagram feeds, tv screens, and magazines, which make us judge ourselves or believe that we are not enough or we do not look the part. But guess what, all of these worldly standards and perspectives are FALSE and UNREALISTIC! As women and children of God, we must seek the true standard of body image through the word of God.

James 1:25 says, But if you look carefully into the perfect law (the word of God) that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it.

We must view and measure ourselves through the word of God rather than through the false standards of society. The world will tell us that if we are not thin or don't have an hourglass figure, we amount to nothing. But the word of God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Fearfully meaning each and every one of us was created with reverence, with honor, and in awe and wonderfully meaning we are unique and set apart. God's standards and what he has declared about us override the standards and thoughts of society concerning our body image and worth.

Here are some key points that can give us a healthy outlook on body image:

Renew your mind - I believe a lot of our thoughts, views and judgments about our image are fueled by the things we see and hear within the world. Romans 12:2 instructs us to not copy or conform to the behaviors and ways of the world but instead, to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Once our minds are renewed, we start to know God for who He is, His purpose for our lives and His thoughts of us.

False body standards tell us to be someone outside of what God has created us to be. If we live our lives trying to be or look like someone we are not, we don't live according to God's plan and design. Do not abandon your identity. Love yourself, cherish who you are and be you!

We are created for good works, not good looks. Ephesians 2:10 tells us we are God's masterpiece created for good works. Good works prepared for us in advance for us to do. We all are created with a purpose to fulfill, an assignment to achieve and a calling to pursue. And we have been given gifts and abilities all for the glory of God and to advance the agenda of his kingdom.

Stop the comparison! - Comparing yourself to others limits your potential and opens the door to lies that hinders your confidence.

Your body is intentional and matters to God - Do you not know that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, where the Holy Spirit dwells? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price, so honor God with your body. When we present our bodies in a way that shows our lives are dedicated to the glory of God, we become satisfied or pleased with our body image and the way we were created, regardless of what the cultural standards are because we know that we are giving honor and reverence to our maker whose thoughts and opinions of us holds much value.

And lastly, ask God to reveal your identity to you and help you get a true understanding of your identity in Christ. Getting over body image struggles is a process and in order to help us get through that, we have to dwell in His truth, in the word of God. Continue to communicate with God in prayer so that we are able to see ourselves as He sees us.


दिन 3दिन 5

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God's Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:10, For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. This Bible plan is created to provide encouragement to women on what God declares about us. Today, there are many influences that try to dictate how we should look, our value, and our purpose in life. With this Bible plan, you will be inspired to seek God to discover who you are, His Masterpiece.
