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Teach Us to Prayनमूना

Teach Us to Pray

DAY 2 OF 5


The second part of the Lord’s Prayer teaches us about God’s PROMISE for this world and his PURPOSE for his people, both now and forever.

May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings. He reigns over all creation and over God’s Kingdom which is already present on earth. Even though there’s no castle, moat, or knights, the Kingdom of God is a real thing. Followers of Jesus are part of that Kingdom.

For [the Father] has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins. (Colossians 1:13, NLT)

The Kingdom of God exists now.

But it is also not yet. It won’t be fully complete until Jesus comes again and we live in the new creation, where there will be no more sickness, sorrow, hatred, war, or death.

Jesus told lots of stories about how God’s Kingdom grows, slowly and steadily, faithfully and firmly. Followers of Jesus don’t have any power to make the Kingdom of God grow or expand, but we do have a part to play. Our part is to do the Father’s will here on earth, right now, where we are.

In other words, our part in God’s larger forever Kingdom purpose is to live obediently here and now. That may not sound very adventurous, flashy, or prestigious, but there’s nothing more amazing or wonderful than to live in and for God’s promised kingdom.

Doing the Father’s will means loving him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. It means loving others with the deep love of Jesus. It means surrendering our desires, plans, and purposes in order to follow God's more wonderful and perfect desires, plans, and purposes. It means dying to ourselves daily so that we can live for him — which is the best life possible.

When you pray, tell the Father that you trust and believe his promises and purposes are best. Ask him for the strength and humility to live into those promises and purposes.


  • Why do you think Jesus uses the word “kingdom” in this prayer and other places?
  • How do you struggle to do the Father’s will, that is, to live obediently?
  • In what ways is your life with Jesus both now and not yet? In other words, how do you experience Jesus’ love, forgiveness, guidance, and strength already? How do you still need to experience and learn more?


Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Teach Us to Pray

In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches about prayer and about the Father. We learn about the importance of beginning and ending with PRAISE. We see that the Father has a PROMISE for the world and a PURPOSE for his children. And we see that the Father both PROVIDES and PROTECTS. This 5-day plan will look closely at how Jesus responds when people say, "Teach us to pray."
