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Walking With Jesus (Unity)नमूना

Walking With Jesus (Unity)

दिन 4 को 7

The power of prayer

James 3:16

Is it important to pray for one another? Another question, can our prayers for others have an impact?

We may know, will know, or will never know. However, have you ever thought that there are people who continue praying for us faithfully? You could be in good condition now because of your pastor, the prayer team at church, friends, parents, siblings, or neighbors who pray for you. One or more of them might have prayed diligently for you every day.

Once upon a time, there was a servant of God named Epaphras, imprisoned with Paul. People might not hear or know his name as often as Paul, Peter, Barnabas, and some other apostles but what Epafras did reflects his desire to continue supporting the congregation through prayer. His actions were important enough to be recorded in the Bible.

“Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured.” (Colossians 4:12). From Paul’s letter, we could see that Epaphras did not just pray – he also struggled in his prayers for the benefit of the congregations. He did not only struggle occasionally; he always struggled for the Colossians so that they could stand firm like mature people who have complete confidence in everything God wanted.

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matthew 21:22). The Bible clearly states there is immense power behind prayer, especially when done by the righteous. God may not answer it right away, but there will come a time when we will rejoice to see the answers to our prayers. Do not forget a ‘mutual’ principle in a harmonious Christian relationship. Let’s love, help, bless, remind, pray for each other, etc. James summarized the power of the prayer of the righteous and this ‘mutual principle’ in this sentence: “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.(James 5:16). Pray for one another because prayer has great power.


1. Have you continuously prayed for those closest to you so that God’s blessings, presence, and protection will always be with these people?

2. If you are in good health and well-being, are you grateful that it is an answer to the prayers that people offer for you?

Practice: Commit to start praying continuously for people other than yourself and your family, starting from your boss, your neighbors, and even those who are not good to you.


दिन 3दिन 5

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Walking With Jesus (Unity)

We often hear the phrase: God is present and works through unity, but what does God want us to do? Through this devotional series, "Walking with Jesus," about unity, we will learn how to apply and understand the Lord's blessing for His children, who live in unity in all aspects of their lives.
