Key Beliefs: Supporting Basic BeliefsSample

Holy Spirit
This chapter contrasts relying on ourselves for life-change rather than the Holy Spirit. Working to improve ourselves through our efforts will always be short-lived. Relying on the Holy Spirit will change our character from the inside and will be permanent. It doesn’t mean our efforts are useless; if we truly want to change, we will put forth an effort, but we must seek the Holy Spirit’s help.
Are you relying only on yourself for life-change? That’s probably not going well. Try asking God to have His Spirit work in you; to show you where you need to change; and help you make those changes.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

In this plan passages supporting the basic beliefs of Christianity are read. There are five readings per belief. If weekends are used for reflection, the plan will require 90 days. Notes are also included to assist with understanding.
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