The New Testament in 90 DaysSample

Introduction to John
This book was written by one of the 12 disciples of Jesus named John. Along with Peter and James, John was a part of Jesus's “inner circle.” These three men were the closest to Jesus. John and his brother, James, were known as the “Sons of Thunder.”
Many scholars believe that John wrote this book between A.D. 85-90, which would have been after the destruction of Jerusalem (A.D. 70). His purpose in writing was so that unbelievers would be born again and that believers would find security in their faith. John writes about the deity of Jesus more than the other three gospels. Over 90% of John’s gospel is unique and not found in the other three gospels. In His book, John referred to himself as “the one Jesus loved,” which has often been a source of humor for modern-day believers.
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Journey through the 260 chapters of the New Testament over the next 90 days. From the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, all the way to the final book of Revelation, God will speak to you throughout the teachings of those who were transformed by our Savior.