Well DoneSample

Confident and Equipped
One of the hardest things to attain in the face of this society is a confidence in our skills. How many times have we passed on an opportunity, hesitating for lack of certainty in our own abilities? Our own fear of insufficiency can hinder the journey of reaching our full-potential.
In the Parable of Talents in Matthew, Jesus tells a story about three servants and their master. The first two servants develop what they’ve been given, but the third servant is afraid—afraid to fail, afraid of his master, afraid of all the things that could go wrong. He hides his talent for fear of losing it. Each servant had the same understanding of their master’s expectations, but only the third was waylaid by his fear of failure.
Once we understand that we’re responsible for doing something with what we’ve been given, whether it’s time, resources, a home, personal or professional talents, we can trust that God allows us to recognize the potential of those things. Romans 8:30 says God has given every necessary resource to those He’s called, equipping them to accomplish whatever He’s asking!
He calls you, qualifies you, and then empowers you with the boldness to take the first step.
Should you take a skill development course at a local community college? Join a Bible study… or maybe even start one? House an exchange student in your spare room for a semester? Impacting your community by addressing its greatest need? Begin to recognize, then lean into, those investment opportunities.
Most importantly, know that you’re not supposed to do it alone. Invite the Father on the journey. Be led. You can trust God to help you cultivate your talents and direct your efforts for the greatest impact in your life and in others’.
यस योजनाको बारेमा

There is a voice that sneaks into quiet bedrooms after exhausting days, whispering that perhaps all of your efforts just weren’t enough. Well Done silences the lie, empowering women to understand their intentional creation, develop their undeniable talents and live a life that glorifies God every step of the way. Join us on a journey of recognition, responsibility and resilience as we pursue a life well lived.
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