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Isaiah 59

Conviction of Sin
1Truly Yahweh’s arm is not too powerless to save you
nor his ear too deaf to hear.
2Rather, your sinful deeds have built a barrier
between you and your God.
Your sins have made God turn his face from you
so that he does not hear your prayers.
3For your hands are stained with blood
and your fingers are dripping with the guilt of sin.
Lies spill from your lips
and your tongue mutters treachery.
4No one seeks true justice;
no one pleads his case with honesty.
They rely on their illusions and misleading lies;
they conceive trouble and give birth to sin.
5They hatch harmful plots like snake’s eggs
and spin their lies like a spider spins its web.
Whoever eats their “eggs” dies
and a poisonous snake gets hatched!
6Their “webs” cannot substitute as clothing,
they cannot cover themselves with the lies they spin,
nor can their works cover them adequately.
Their actions are evil,
and the wages of violence is in their hands.
7Their feet eagerly run after evil,
and they are swift to shed innocent blood. # 59:7 See Prov. 6:16–19; Rom. 3:15–16.
Their imaginations are filled with evil; # 59:7 See Gen. 6:5.
destruction and desolation litter their paths.
8They know nothing of the way of peace, # 59:8 See Rom. 3:17; Eph. 2:14.
and injustice is their way of life.
Their paths are so crooked
that no one who walks in them knows peace.
Confession of Sin
9For this reason, justice is far from us
and righteousness doesn’t reach us.
We hope for light, but sadly, there is only darkness. # 59:9 See John 8:11–12.
We wait for a bright light, but walk in darkness.
10We are like the blind groping along a wall,
inching along in the dark like those who cannot see;
we stumble around in broad daylight like it was night,
like the walking dead. # 59:10 The meaning of this Hebrew clause is uncertain. See Eph. 2:1.
11We are frustrated, growling like bears,
like doves cooing mournfully.
We wait and wait for justice, but it never seems to come;
for salvation, but it remains distant.
12For our many rebellious deeds are stacked high before you;
our sins testify against us.
We are aware of our sins,
and we know our evil deeds all too well.
13We have rebelled and even tried to deny Yahweh;
we have forsaken our God.
Our speech stirs up oppression and revolt,
and our hearts conceive, then confess, lies. # 59:13 See Eph. 4:25.
14Justice is driven away
and righteousness stands on the sidelines,
for truth has stumbled in the public square
and morality cannot enter.
15Yes, truth has disappeared, # 59:15 Or “truth is hidden” (Vulg.).
and those who turn from evil become the next victims.
Yahweh saw this and was greatly displeased
that there was no justice.
The Lord, Our Redeemer
16And then he was astonished to see that there was no champion, # 59:16 Or “intercessor.”
not even one, who would rescue the oppressed. # 59:16 Or “intercede.”
So then his own mighty power # 59:16 Or “arm,” a metaphor for his mighty power. rescued him,
and his own righteousness supported him.
17He put on righteousness as his body armor, # 59:17 See Eph. 6:10–18.
salvation for a helmet;
a garment of warring vengeance was his uniform
and passion, his cape.
18He will repay wrath to his enemies
and retribution to his foes,
according to what they have done.
Reckoning is coming to the islands for what is due them.
19From the west to the lands of the rising sun,
the glory and the name of Yahweh
will be held in highest reverence,
for he will break in as a flooding, rushing river # 59:19 God broke into the human condition as a man who died on the cross. His blood, like a flood of righteousness, washes away the sins of those who believe in him.
driven on by the breath of Yahweh! # 59:19 Or “When the enemy comes in, the Spirit of Yahweh, like a flood, will lift up a standard against him”; or “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the breath of Yahweh will put him to flight.”
God’s Covenant with Zion
20“He will come to Zion as a Kinsman-Redeemer
to those of Jacob’s tribes who repent of their rebellion,”
says Yahweh.
21“And this is my covenant promise with them,” # 59:21 See Jer. 31:33; Rom. 11:26–27; Gal. 3:29; Heb. 12:22–24.
says Lord Yahweh.
“From now on, my Holy Spirit will rest on them
and not depart from them,
and my prophetic words will fill their mouths
and will not depart from them, nor from their children,
nor from their descendants, from now on and forever,”
says Lord Yahweh.

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