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Ezekiel 20

Israel’s Disobedience in Egypt
1 # 20:1 Ezekiel 20 is the sixth panel (F) in the chiastic parallel structure in Ezekiel. This section contains the declaration of the judgment against Israel and the promise of new covenant blessing and restoration. This section—panel F—constitutes the corresponding parallel with panel F1 in ch. 36, which also contains a declaration of judgment against Israel, followed by the promise of new covenant blessing. It was the seventh year, the fifth month, and the tenth day after our deportation to Babylon. # 20:1 That is, August 14, 591 BC. The dating of this event would be four to five years before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. Some of the elders of Israel came to request that I ask Yahweh for his message to them. As we sat together, 2Yahweh spoke to me, saying, 3“Son of man, give the elders of Israel this message: ‘Lord Yahweh says to you: Are you really coming to consult with me? As surely as I live, I will tell you nothing. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken.’ ”
4Then he said to me, “Judge them, Ezekiel! Bring a charge against them, son of man! # 20:4 Or “Will you judge them, Ezekiel? Will you bring a charge against them, son of man?” Although this is the imperfect verb, the Hebrew verb can be viewed as the desiderative mood. Confront them over the disgusting practices of their ancestors! 5Tell them what I, Lord Yahweh, say: ‘On the day when I chose Israel to be my people, I pledged my word # 20:5 Or “I raised my hand toward,” which was done when taking an oath. to the tribes of Jacob, and I revealed myself to them in Egypt. # 20:5 God revealed his mighty power to Israel in the plagues he sent against Egypt and in the Passover miracle. I pledged my word to them and said: I am Yahweh your God. # 20:5 See Ex. 3:13–14; Deut. 7:6. 6That day I promised that I would bring them out of Egypt to a land I had searched out especially for them—a land flowing with milk and honey, the most splendid land of all. # 20:6 See Ex. 3:8; Lev. 18:3. 7And I said to them, “Every one of you, get rid of the things you love that I hate. Don’t make yourselves unfit for my presence by worshiping the idols of Egypt. For I am Yahweh your God.” 8But they rebelled against me and refused to listen to me. Not one of them rejected the detestable things their eyes feasted on, nor did they give up the idols of Egypt. So in my anger, I decided to pour out my wrath on them and vent my anger against them in the midst of Egypt.’ 9I acted to protect the honor of my name, so that I would not be profaned in the eyes of the surrounding nations who saw me reveal myself by bringing the Israelites out of Egypt.”
Israel’s Disobedience in the Wilderness
10“So I brought them out of Egypt and led them into the desert. 11I gave them my laws and taught them my commands, # 20:11 This refers to the law given to Israel at Mount Sinai. See Lev. 18:5. so that they would follow them and live by them. 12And I also gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between me and them # 20:12 See Ex. 31:17. The Sabbath was a unique sign of the covenant between God and Israel. There is no command to keep the Sabbath today for gentile believers. See Rom. 14:5. so that they might know that I, Yahweh, am the one who sets them apart as my own. 13But the Israelites rebelled against me in the wilderness and refused to keep my laws and rejected my commands (the one who obeys my laws will live by them), and they completely dishonored my Sabbaths. I was about to vent my fury on them in the desert and destroy them. 14But I chose to withhold my punishment for the sake of my holy name, that it not be profaned in the eyes of the nations who had seen my power in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. 15So, I made a vow in the desert that I would not bring that generation # 20:15 Or “them.” into the most splendid land that I had given them, a land flowing with milk and honey. 16For they had scorned my commands, refused to keep my laws, dishonored my Sabbaths, and their hearts were attached to idols. 17In spite of this, I took pity on them, so I spared them from destruction and did not make an end of them in the desert.
18“I warned their children in the wilderness: ‘Do not follow the ways of your ancestors, do not practice their standard of justice, and do not defile yourselves with their foul idols. 19I am Yahweh your God. Keep my laws, obey my commands, and follow them. 20Keep my Sabbaths as holy days. Let them be a covenant-sign between me and you, to remind you that I am Yahweh your God.’
21“However, like their parents, the next generation rebelled against me; they refused to keep my laws and did not respect or practice my standard of justice so that they would follow my laws and live by them. # 20:21 See Num. 25:1–9. They also dishonored my Sabbaths. So, in my fury I decided to punish them and pour out my anger on them in the desert. 22But I restrained myself to protect the honor of my name so that I would not be profaned in the eyes of the surrounding nations who saw me reveal myself by bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. 23Moreover, I made a vow to them in the wilderness that I would scatter them throughout the nations and disperse them into foreign countries. 24I did this because they had broken my laws, refused to obey my commands, dishonored my Sabbaths, and their hearts chased after the idols # 20:24 Or “they fastened their eyes on the idols.” of their ancestors. 25And for this reason I gave them laws and regulations that resulted in punishment, not life. # 20:25 Or “I gave them statutes that were not good and rules they could not keep to have life.” 26And because they sacrificed their firstborn children in the fire, I declared them defiled and unfit to worship me. I did this to fill them with revulsion so that they would know that I am Yahweh.”
Israel’s Disobedience in Canaan
27“Therefore, son of man, speak to the people of Israel in exile and say to them, ‘Lord Yahweh says to you: Here is another instance of your ancestors blaspheming me by their infidelity. 28When I had brought them into the promised land, they discovered all sorts of high hills and all kinds of spreading trees. That is where they offered sacrifices and made offerings to false gods that provoked my anger. That is where they burned incense and poured out drink offerings to false gods. 29So I asked them: What is this high place where you go?’ ” # 20:29 This verse contains a significant paronomasia. The Hebrew term for “high place” (bamah) has a homonym that can be translated “where we go.” The Hebrew play on words, lost in translation, would not be missed by a Hebrew speaker. (So its name is called High Place to this day.)
Israel’s Disobedience in Exile
30“Say to the Israelites in exile, ‘Lord Yahweh says to you: Will you defile yourselves in the same way your ancestors did and act like a prostitute with your idol worship? 31For when you offer your gifts and sacrifice your children as sacrifices by fire, you defile yourselves with all your idol worship to this very day. Do you think you can come and consult with me? As surely as I live, I will not answer you. I, Lord Yahweh, have spoken!
32“ ‘You are saying that you want to worship idols of wood and stone and be like the nations around you. But what you have in mind will never happen. 33As surely as I, Lord Yahweh, live, I warn you: I will continue to rule over you with a strong hand and with all my power and my wrath poured out!’ ”
Another Exodus
34“ ‘You have been scattered into many different nations and lands. But with a strong hand and my mighty power and outpoured wrath, I will bring you back. 35I will bring you into the desert of many nations, # 20:35 This is likely a reference to the Syrian desert or the Arabian desert, both of which are surrounded by other nations. and there I will enter into judgment # 20:35 The Hebrew verb shaphat can mean either “to plead with” or “to execute judgment.” See Hos. 2:14. with you face-to-face! 36Just as I entered into judgment with your ancestors in the wilderness of Sinai, so I now judge you. I am Lord Yahweh, and I declare this to you. 37I will make you pass under the shepherd’s rod and take note of you, as a shepherd sorts his sheep. # 20:37 See Lev. 27:32. The metaphor of the shepherd’s rod may also include the notion of discipline. And I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. # 20:37 The “bond” of the covenant entails a mandatory obligation to obey the terms of the covenant. 38I will purge out the rebels from among you, those who sin against me. I will remove them from the land where they are exiled, but they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am Yahweh. 39And now, you people of Israel, Lord Yahweh says: Go ahead, all of you, worship your foul idols, if that’s what you want to do. But later you will have to listen and obey me! Then you will no longer dishonor my holy name by worshiping your foul idols and bringing your offerings to them.’ ”
Israel’s Future Transformation
40“ ‘Lord Yahweh says: On the high mountain of Israel set apart for me, # 20:40 That is, Mount Zion. all the people of Israel—everyone in the land—will worship me. I will be pleased with you and accept your sacrifices to me. And there I will require your best offerings, all your best gifts dedicated to me, and your holy sacrifices. 41I will take you out from among the nations and lands where you have been scattered and gather you together. Then I will be pleased with you just as I am pleased with the sweet aroma of burning sacrifices. And I will put my holiness on display through you before the nations. 42And when I bring you back to the soil of Israel, the land that I pledged my word to give to your ancestors, you will know that I am Yahweh. 43You will remember your ways and all the vile actions by which you have defiled yourselves, and you will be disgusted with yourselves for all the evil things you did. # 20:43 When God shows mercy, we become ashamed of our past and repent and turn to God for restoration. We then see that our transformation is not according to our merit but solely by his kindness and grace. See Ezek. 6:9; Rom. 2:4. 44And when I deal with you, not as you deserve because of your wickedness, but in a way that brings honor to my name, then you, the people of Israel, will recognize that I am God. I, Yahweh, have spoken.’ ”
45Then Yahweh spoke to me again, saying, 46“Son of man, look toward the south and prophesy against the forests of the southern land. 47Prophesy to the southern forest, ‘Hear the word of Yahweh: Behold, I, Lord Yahweh, say to you that I am about to light a fire in you that will consume every green tree and every dry tree of your land! This blazing fire will not be extinguished as it spreads to the north and consumes everything in its path. # 20:47 Or “all faces from south to north will be scorched by it.” 48Everyone will know that it was I, Yahweh, who started that fire, and no one will ever be able to put it out.’ ”
49But I protested and said, “But Lord Yahweh, everyone is already complaining that I only speak in riddles.” # 20:49 Or “I am the maker of parables [allegories].” See Matt. 13:11.

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