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Gracious Jesus 7 - the King Callsနမူနာ

Gracious Jesus 7 - the King Calls

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Labourers are Few

Matthew 9:35 “Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.”

Christ’s Mission

Christ’s focus is on teaching, preaching and healing. He teaches a new dimension to living, preaches the good news of salvation, and heals, not only physically but wholistically. His healing impacts lifestyles and lives.

Let’s note that the sequence of activities is teaching, preaching, and healing. Today the focus and sequence are usually in reverse order.

Teaching elicits a mental response. It is closely coupled with preaching and effective only if accompanied by Holy Spirit conviction. Teaching provides the knowledge required to decide to follow Jesus.

Preaching elicits an emotional or psychological response. This could be temporary and needs to be complemented by sound teaching. It is also effective only if accompanied by Holy Spirit conviction.

Healing attracts people for physical benefit. Jesus heals to:

· Connect people to the messianic prophecy

· Show us God’s desire for wholistic healing, particularly the soul

· Demonstrate that soul healing holds far more weight than physical healing

Christ’s Compassion

Matthew 9:36“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

In His compassion, He sees their true condition and true need. The root word for “harassed” is ‘flayed’ – stripping off the skin. People are exhausted and helpless, implying a corpse – having the root word meaning - thrown down, neglected, bullied, and oppressed.

The Pharisees’ leadership was ushering in death and not life.

Our Commission

Matthew 9:37“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”

Plentiful” has a time factor associated. It is urgent and cannot be delayed. Delayed harvest can be lost due to rain or other mechanisms.

Our commission is to perceive the need and pray that God sends workers. We are to go and teach, preach, and heal (spiritually) just as Jesus did.

God’s Injunction

Matthew 9:38 “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

There is one source and one requirement. The source is God, and the requirement is people (workers). Often people feel constrained for funds or equipment, but God’s work just needs people. When God calls His people, He equips them fully to do His work in His own perfect way.

In what aspects do we divert from Christ’s model and command for mission? How can we resolve this?

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Gracious Jesus 7 - the King Calls

Many people dream of a big sponsor to help them realise their dreams. The King of Kings is looking for potential leaders and calling people who follow Him. The call doesn’t consider age, race, or gender. Yet this call still eludes many today. For those who wholeheartedly and completely voluntarily answer this call, their lives will never be the same. We see shining examples from all walks of life.
