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Daily Prayers for Morningsနမူနာ

Daily Prayers for Mornings

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Every Good Thing

Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. JAMES 1:17 NASB

What's the best gift you ever received? A great pair of shoes or an unforgettable bag? Maybe a trip to a restaurant or sporting event? A gift (even an imperfect gift) holds special significance for us over the course of our lives. Now think about the “perfect gifts” given by our heavenly Father. Do you give God glory for these gifts? Do you give Him the glory and honor for the blessings in your life? How does giving thanks and noticing good gifts change your day and help you connect with God throughout the day? When we give God credit and walk through life noticing His good gifts, we experience deeper joy and gratitude. This joy and gratitude change the way we go about our days. Practice giving thanks for these good gifts today!

Lord, You truly are a giver of good gifts. You bless us in ways that are big and small. Thank You for the ways You’ve gifted me with different gifts. Help me to live with a spirit of thankfulness and contentment. Give me eyes to see Your gifts in fresh ways today. Give me joy in the big blessings and the small. Thank You, Lord, for the heart You have for Your children. You have a desire to bless us and care for us that flows from Your love for us. Help me to be a receiver of Your gifts instead of pursuing my own desires. Thank You for knowing, seeing, and loving me deeply. Amen.

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Daily Prayers for Mornings

Daily Prayers for Mornings is designed to help readers build this rewarding habit by offering inspired devotions; selected Scriptures that focus on God’s provision of strength, wisdom, and hope; and prompts for starting daily conversations with our Heavenly Father. The simple practice of prayer can make a world of difference.
