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Leadership: How Jesus Ledနမူနာ

Leadership: How Jesus Led

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Jesus sought out the potential in everyone and affirmed them in the things He saw.

As a part of the Godhead, Jesus had inherent eyes to see everyone from His Father’s perspective. He had vision for the potential that lived inside each individual, regardless of their past. We can see this modelled out in Luke 19 when Jesus comes across Zacchaeus, a tax collector—not only a tax collector, but also a chief tax collector. He is someone that people recognized as a cheat, a sinner, and a man of low integrity. However, Jesus didn’t recognize him as what he had done, but rather as who His Father had made him to be. Jesus tells Zacchaeus that He will be coming to stay in his home that evening—an appalling desire, to share a meal with a corrupt man. In response to the grace and compassion, Zacchaeus pledges to give half of possessions to the poor and to pay back four times the amount of anything he has cheated to gain. As a leader, Jesus used the lens of heaven’s eyes to see people come into alignment with God’s intention for them, no matter how far they had strayed.

Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” Luke 19:9-10 NIV

Jesus had an innate perspective because He is the Son of God, but what about us? Well, the incredible news is that we have been given the Holy Spirit to help us see the same! My prayer for you is that with a little bit of practice and a whole lot of reliance on the Holy Spirit, you would become a leader who sees the potential in everyone, and gives space for them to walk towards that potential.

Do you remember who you identified as your leadership accountability partner yesterday? Let’s reach out and find time to talk with them! Invite them to be that "blind spot" person in your life, and ask if they would be willing to meet soon to give you a fresh perspective on where you are at as a leader.

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Leadership: How Jesus Led

There are so many aspects of Jesus’s life, relationships, and character that we can learn from. Over the next six days, we are going to take a closer look at examples in the Bible about how Jesus led and how we can model ourselves after him to become people who lead ourselves and others well.
