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Breaking Through by Brett Davisနမူနာ

Breaking Through by Brett Davis

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Breakthrough Two: I Found My Tribe” – Sweet Community

Read: Acts 2:42–47

Yesterday, we looked at the power of the Holy Spirit within us. Today, let’s look at the power of community as demonstrated by the early Church in the book of Acts…

“I found my tribe.”

I hear this a lot from surfers, especially from Christian Surfers. It is pretty sweet to finally find your people! I remember clearly the sense of belonging I found in my surf community after feeling awkward and outside other groups.

But we need more than just surfing to make a true community. We need a breakthrough of genuine community, like the one described in Acts 2:42–47 that highlights three important aspects of a deeply bonded community.

1. My Tribe’s Teaching

A community needs a shared understanding of truth, otherwise it’s “everyone to their own truth” and we can see how this isn’t serving people well.

The foundation of our community comes from the teachings of the apostles and include the biblical account of Jesus written by the apostles, the many letters, and other teachings laid out for us.

It’s great to be devoted to reading the Bible in community and discussing it together to build our shared foundation of truth.

2. My Tribe’s Practical Love

We long to see love in action, don’t we?

It’s great to have teaching and truth, but they must land in actions and a community of practical love. In the early Church example, there’s no holding back – everyone gives everything for the other and in this way all needs are met. It might sound unrealistic at first, and I want to add so many terms and conditions… but it seems this tribe really gave it all. And that’s a powerful demonstration of love in action.

3. My Tribe’s Experience

Shared experiences bond us together – from a shared session full of stoke, to family holidays, or even the difficulties and struggles we endure.

The people in the early Church lived each day together and experienced persecution and discrimination – but they also saw many powerful signs and wonders. Teaching and social concerns can be explained afterward, but this shared supernatural experience adds another dimension.

Jesus was alive in those people, and the supernatural encounters He performed when He walked the earth keep happening through His people… including you and me.

And as we share our truth, love, and experiences with the people around us, our community will grow stronger.


Some modern churches are known for great teaching, some for great social justice, some for signs and wonders. But the early Church was known for all three, and the conclusion was that the “Lord added daily those being saved.”

What are your current community’s strengths? Weaknesses? What is your contribution?

Is your community growing. Why or why not?


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Breaking Through by Brett Davis

Every surfer knows the feeling of expanding their surfing experience. It takes many breakthroughs that can be costly but exhilarating. The book of Acts walks through the early history of Jesus’ followers after His resurrection. It’s filled with breakthroughs that God made for His people, giving freedom and life to you today. Make a breakthrough in your faith with this new plan by Brett Davis – founder of Christian Surfers!
