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Holy Week: A Walk Through Jesus' Final Daysနမူနာ

Holy Week: A Walk Through Jesus' Final Days

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Holy Thursday

The fifth day of Holy Week is traditionally known as “Maundy Thursday.” It comes from a Latin word that means “mandate” or “command.” And on this day, the last time Jesus would be together with His disciples before His crucifixion, He teaches and illustrates what this new command is for His followers.

In John 13:34, Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” He goes on to say that the world around us will know that we are His followers by how we love one another.

As Jesus is teaching this to His disciples, He is showing them what this new kind of love will look like in action. During this time Jesus humbles Himself by washing His disciples’ feet, including Judas who would soon betray Him, and Peter who would soon deny knowing Him. Then He shares in The Lord’s Supper with them, which would no longer primarily signify how God delivered His children out of Egypt, but now how His Son will deliver His children out of sin. This kind of love that Jesus is teaching is marked by humility and servanthood!

How often do you stop to think and consider all that Jesus did for you during His final days here on earth? May we always remember how Jesus humbled Himself to take our place and forgive our sin - His body willingly broken and His blood sacrificially poured out. And may we also be reminded to spend our days humbly serving others just like Jesus did. This is where our words and our actions collide into amazing love for others because of His amazing love for us!


We live in a culture that promotes the accolades and achievements of individuals. Yet Jesus, fully God and fully man, understood what true humility was. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Philippians 2:6-7 that Jesus “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.” This is the definition of humility! Spend time thinking about how Christ has demonstrated His love for you, and how you can humbly serve someone else around you.

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Holy Week: A Walk Through Jesus' Final Days

For many of us, the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is a familiar one. But, what about the week before? The days that lead up to Jesus’ death are filled with stories that give us insight into how he fulfilled God’s plan for creation in an unexpected, but powerful way. Experience his humanity and love for us as you walk with him through his final week on Earth.
