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How to Receive a Whole New Self-Imageနမူနာ

How to Receive a Whole New Self-Image

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Stop Comparing  

One of the worst things that you and I can do when it comes to our self-esteem, is compare ourselves to other people. But we all do it, don’t we? She’s smarter than I am; he’s taller than I am; I wish I could be as popular as her, or as wealthy as him.

Comparison is particularly unhealthy when we cherrypick the good things that other people have and ignore the bad. That constructs an image that we aspire to but can never achieve. And that feeds our insecurity and robs us of our identity.

When you think about it, those comparisons are about wanting (“coveting”) what the other person has—an attitude that’s so destructive that the Ten Commandments specifically forbid it in Exodus 20:17. 

Why? Because when we covet what our neighbor has, it causes us to go and take it—and that’s adultery, theft, and so on. Or, if we don’t take it, the desire for it eats away at us like a cancer.

Instead of comparing, we need to find contentment. 

Have a look around and consider all that God has already given you. Maybe it’s as simple as the air you breathe. A roof over your head. Food to eat. Your family. Oh, and don’t forget the gift of eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 

Is your family perfect? Are your circumstances, relationships, or abilities perfect? Of course not. But the richness of God’s blessing is mind-blowing.

My friend, we can’t just wave a magic wand and miraculously overcome our insecurities and self-image struggles. It doesn’t work that way. (If it did, we’d all have done it by now!)

But we can find contentment when we practice gratitude regularly. In fact, the Bible tells us to do just that, in 1 Thessalonians, in the Psalms, and in plenty of other places. 

Because when we practice gratitude for what God's given us, He changes us. 

God takes away that gnawing sense of inadequacy that comes from constant comparisons. And He replaces it with an overwhelming sense of joy, irrespective of our circumstances. 

God wants you to be content and secure and heading in the right direction. And as you humble yourself before Him, He will exalt you in due time. In His time. At the right time. 

That’s His plan for you.

Life application questions

  • Do you ever find yourself measuring yourself—your achievements, your family, your looks—against others? What is one step you can take today toward freeing yourself from that mindset?
  • Have you been coveting something that isn’t yours lately? It might be a house, a relationship, a job, or a personality trait. Ask God to help you confront those thoughts when they arise, and overcome them.
  • Look up the Bible verses listed in today’s plan. They all point to gratitude! How can you begin to bring more gratitude into your day?
  • Ask God to build joy, peace, and contentment into your life as you continue to humble yourself in His presence each day.
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How to Receive a Whole New Self-Image

Poor self-esteem is a global pandemic. Too many people are living with deep insecurities that rob them of the abundant life that Jesus died and rose again to bring them. Do you know anybody like that? Join Bible teacher Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to discover the liberating image that God is prepared to give you.
