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Professer Boaz: A Life of Faithနမူနာ

Professer Boaz: A Life of Faith

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Christ-like Attitude in Life

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. (Romans 15:5)

What does it take for a community to live together and grow together?

The Bible often uses the word which is translated as “same attitude of mind” as Jesus the Messiah.

Jesus uses this word when He rebukes Peter in Matthew 16. In this text, Peter has just proclaimed the most crucial confession. Jesus asks the question, “Who do people say I am?” They give a range of answers- John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, and so on. Then Jesus asks them, “Who do you all say I am?” At this Peter, who apparently is the spokesperson of the disciples proclaims, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God!” Jesus commends him for this crucial truth. Thereafter Jesus begins to tell the disciples that He will suffer much. He will be handed over to the religious and political leaders. He will be killed. But, He will rise on the third day. At this, Peter took it upon himself to rebuke Jesus. The verb here is quite strong. Jesus, in response, says to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns". (Matthew 16:23)

In the context of discord in the Philippian Church, the Apostle Paul reminds them of a worship song they sang. He pleads them to have the mind of Jesus Christ (Phil 2:5). He is God. Yet, He humbled himself by becoming human. Then, He humbled Himself to suffer on the cross, to die the most inhuman form of death.

The New Testament constantly underlines this secret to a good Christ-like life: always aspire to have the mind of the Messiah Jesus.

A Prayer:

Lord, today, help me to constantly ask myself the question, “Is what I think or do, the mind and attitude of Christ?”


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Professer Boaz: A Life of Faith

My prayer is that these mediations will help you find a true fulfillment in in your life and vocation, as you walk with Jesus.
