In Abraham's SkinSampel

In Abraham's Skin


Abraham in Egypt - Gen 12:10-20

When you read the Bible, what is not written is often as important as what is. I don't want to encourage you to add doctrines between the lines, but to ask yourself questions in the narrative as it is written.

Abraham had just left his country, with powerful promises: protection, blessing and inheritance of the land of Canaan. When the famine hit Canaan, Abraham left for Egypt, but the text does not mention that God told him to go to Egypt. It was a human decision that seemed logical but without God. This decision to go to Egypt on his own for fear of starving left Abraham in fear of dying because of his wife's beauty.

In fact, the problem was not that Sarah was too beautiful, but that Abraham had forgotten God's promises. The lie he set up to protect himself sent Sarah into the hands of Pharaoh who took her as his wife. Only 10 verses after his call, Abraham had already sabotaged his destiny by delivering his wife to Pharaoh. Abraham was on a path without God, which was selfish and destructive to his family.

The silence of God in this episode of Abraham's life is very telling: God sees us as responsible beings, so he allows us to make mistakes, learn from our failures, and learn from the pain we experience because of our unbelief.

Have you ever made decisions without God, out of fear of missing out, fear that God would not be faithful to his promises? In this case, consider the damage to your surroundings and turn back before it's too late.

The good news of this story is that although God was silent, he had not abandoned Abraham. God is faithful when we are unfaithful. God watched over Abraham like a parent over a child taking its first steps. That is why he struck Pharaoh and his house, without Abraham even calling him for help. God is benevolent, his love is proactive, he surrounds us without dominating us.

Walking by faith is an apprenticeship because we have to grow, and God knows it. When fear, worry or misunderstanding assail us, we must resist the temptation to follow our own thoughts and seek God's counsel. Walking by faith is a learning process, and mistakes can cost us dearly, but God watches over us and helps us to get back on the path he has laid out in his love for us. You can learn to recognize God's voice and make mistakes without the consequences putting your destiny at stake.

A prayer for today:

Lord, when I am afraid, I choose to come to you instead of panicking and relying on my wisdom.

Thank you Father because you accompany me, you watch over me as I learn to trust you. Thank you because you have faith in me, thank you for the Holy Spirit leading me. Thank you, Jesus, for growing my faith as I keep my eyes on you.

God, I invite your scrutinizing gaze into my heart. Examine me from side to side; discover all that may be hidden in me.

Put me to the test and sift through all my anxious worries.
See if there is a path of pain I walk on
and lead me back to your glorious and eternal ways...the way that leads me to you.
(PS 139.23-24 The passion translation)

David Théry

Practical teachings to experience God

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Perihal Pelan

In Abraham's Skin

The Bible is the story of God with humanity, a progressive revelation of his character and his love for us. These stories have been passed on to us so we can learn from them. Discover God by putting yourself in Abraham's shoes, the believers' father.
