Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)Sampel

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)



Rarely do we experience success in our God-given assignment by ourselves! God is interested in the body of Christ working together to build his kingdom and minister to His people. God may call us to take a step of faith alone, but God never leaves us alone.

Nehemiah knew he wouldn’t be able to accomplish rebuilding the wall by himself. He knew he needed others who were just as invested in the vision as he was.

God gave Nehemiah the burden, and Nehemiah was able to cast a vision of what was possible and rallied the people. It says in Nehemiah 2:18: “I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ Then they set their hands to do this good work.”

God knows what we need when we need it. He’ll bring the right people who share the vision at the right time. We must remember, however, that there is a season to everything. Not everyone who begins the journey with you will be there to see it through to completion. Nor will everyone be doing the exact same thing. Just as our gifts and talents are unique, we are each called to one part of the kingdom-building vision.

So, take that step of faith, knowing that you may start alone, but you won’t stay alone. Ask God to bring others alongside you who will pray for the work you’re doing and to lift you up when you’re weary like Aaron and Hur did with Moses. Link arms with those who come alongside you. We are better together!

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Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has good works that He prepared for us to do. Often, we can still go through life wondering what those good works are and how to accomplish them. But with fresh eyes, we’ll look at the Old Testament character Nehemiah and discover the NINE STEPS he took to not only find but to accomplish all that God put in his heart.
