Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)Sampel

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)


7. Put ACTION Behind What God Told You to Do

You may know your assignment, but you won’t accomplish much if you don’t put action behind it. A friend of mine once told me that God will either use us or go around us. I hate the thought of God going around me because I wasn’t willing to do what He asked, don’t you?

God gave Nehemiah the plan and strategy, but Nehemiah then had to carry it out. Nehemiah didn’t just mull it around in his mind on repeat. He didn’t struggle with the paralysis of analysis. Instead, it says that Nehemiah then acted on what God told him. He put action behind it. He didn't just talk about it.

Maybe you don’t struggle with the paralysis of analysis, but fear and doubt speak louder than God’s voice in your life. Maybe you let other people’s opinions have more sway than what God’s still, small voice is telling you. Regardless of what it is, God encourages us to add action to our faith. God isn’t moved by our intentions or thoughts. He’s moved by faith put into action.

It’s not enough for us to know what our assignment is. We must act on it. Faith without good works is dead (James 2).

Is there a step of faith God’s asked you to take that you haven’t done yet? Sometimes when we can't hear God clearly, we need to go back to the thing He asked us to do that we haven't. I want to encourage you to take that step and watch how God meets you in the unknown.

Hari 7Hari 9

Perihal Pelan

Accomplishing Your Kingdom Assignment (Nehemiah)

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has good works that He prepared for us to do. Often, we can still go through life wondering what those good works are and how to accomplish them. But with fresh eyes, we’ll look at the Old Testament character Nehemiah and discover the NINE STEPS he took to not only find but to accomplish all that God put in his heart.
