Can You Imagine?Sampel

Can You Imagine?



Jehovah Nissi fight your battles

Jehovah Jireh meet your need

Jehovah Rapha heal your body

Jehovah Shalom be your peace

There’s a reason God instructed Moses to write the victory down on a scroll after winning the battle with the Amalekites. There are some things that haven’t changed about humanity — we still forget the ways God has come through for us. As it often goes with God, the battle with the Amelikes was won through the combination of obedience and the power of God.

God did a miracle, but not in the way they might have been expecting. They had to listen to Him to know what to do. When our expectations are so different from what we experience, confusion and frustration can be quick to follow — that’s why it’s so important for us to stay connected to God when we’re struggling.

Think about a need you currently have (or maybe one you had in the past). What is your instinct to meet that need? For many of us, we look at the resources immediately available to us. And when the need is greater than our resources, then logic or emotion can cause us to panic and focus on our situation instead of our Savior.

God’s not worried. He already knows how it will work out. We only need to direct our attention back to Him. This isn’t because He has what we need; It’s because He is what we need.

The names of God help us understand His character. This is important to our faith because when we can’t see a way forward, we can always lean on who God is.

And when we understand who He is, we don’t have to understand how He will do something.

The names of God remind us there’s nothing we could ever need that God can’t provide. His names tell us our resource will always be greater than our need.

God fights your battles

God meets your needs

God heals your body

God brings you peace

Are you struggling and unsure what to do next? Take a moment to reconnect with the God of miracles today. He’s at work in your life.

Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

Can You Imagine?

Whether you’re new in your relationship or you’ve been walking with Jesus for a while, it’s easy for your faith to lose its sense of expectation. Maybe you used to believe God for big things, but you’ve been disappointed, and now you find yourself rationalizing why He won’t come through. It’s time to remember that your God still does miracles, and He wants to move in your life.
