Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of JesusSampel

Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of Jesus


Upside-Down Kingdom

Jesus flipped the script of what a person’s worth is weighed by. It is not by status, wealth, or beauty. It is not in the things this world values. It is not what we are told to long for, work toward, or judge others on. Worthy people are not found sitting at exclusive tables being waited on; they are the servants.

Jesus did not demand we become servants. He lived it for us, and his life is the example we follow. If all believers in Christ truly lived this way, our communities would look vastly different. Churches would not be exclusive gatherings but instead would serve in places where needs are the greatest. In light of this, how can we take a step toward being more Christlike?

Jesus, I’ve been caught up in the values of this world rather than the values of your kingdom. Forgive me for my folly. I choose to follow you in service and let you promote me rather than live for the favor of others.

Hari 5Hari 7

Perihal Pelan

Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of Jesus

How do you hear God’s still small voice? Very few of us experience him speaking audibly. More often we hear him in the quiet. In the stillness. In the moments we are searching for answers and taking the time to listen. As you quiet yourself and meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, you will discover the many facets of his character, his goodness, faithfulness, compassion, and perfect peace.
