Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of JesusSampel

Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of Jesus


Drink Deeply

Deep within our innermost beings, the Spirit of God flows within us. The living waters of God’s presence flood our hearts and minds. If you are thirsty for more of the Lord today, you have only to come and drink.

The presence of God is not dripped out in careful pours. It overflows from the heart of the Father like a waterfall after spring rains. It washes over you in overwhelming measure, and out of your heart will flow the rivers of his life. Drink deeply of his love, rest in the shade of his presence, and find your inner being refreshed in his delight today. He is the source of living water, and he will satisfy your soul.

Jesus, you are the ultimate source of my peace, joy, love, patience, strength, and overwhelming hope. I come to drink deeply of your presence. Satisfy my soul with your perfect love.

Hari 3Hari 5

Perihal Pelan

Still Small Voice: 7-Day Meditations on the Words of Jesus

How do you hear God’s still small voice? Very few of us experience him speaking audibly. More often we hear him in the quiet. In the stillness. In the moments we are searching for answers and taking the time to listen. As you quiet yourself and meditate on these Scriptures, devotions, and prayers, you will discover the many facets of his character, his goodness, faithfulness, compassion, and perfect peace.
