Uncommen: SoilSampel

Uncommen: Soil


Among The Thorns

Today's Soil Sample: Among The Thorns

“As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.” - Matthew 13:7

Have you ever considered how obvious it is that God is your first priority in life? I’m convicted every time I consider that. I think of the many times that I arrive home—tired from the day—enjoy dinner with my family, put the kids to bed, and immediately think, “it’s relaxing time.” My evenings are spent unproductive watching the television. All the while, I didn’t wake up early to do my morning devotion or get the chores of the house accomplished.

So, when someone looks at my life, what do they see? They see work, family, and relaxation. Certainly, none of those are bad inherently. Was God my first priority that day? I think some of you may relate. We read the Bible, pray, go to church—some of those things more consistently than others—but if someone studied our lives closely, we might find that some things seem more valuable than God to us.

Our passage hits me straight on. How many times do I care more about the world and riches and whatever else than I do my faith? Shouldn’t I be devoting everything in my life to serving him? That’s what we’re called to do. I’m not called to watch a movie every night. I’m not called to sleep in every day.

I’m called to glorify and love God. Furthermore, I’m told to love my neighbor.

These all take effort, certainly. However, when we love God most, they come easier. We want to read the Bible, we want to pray, and want to fellowship with others. We don’t do this out of duty but out of love.

When we do this, we aren’t swayed by the things of this world. We’re satisfied by God.

Uncommen Questions:

Are you among the thorns?

How can we not be choked?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge both you and me to listen to the Word of God with our hearts and minds focused on Him entirely. When we have one eye on God and one on riches, we will be unfruitful.

Hari 2Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Uncommen: Soil

Join us as we look at the parable of the sower spreading seed on four different kinds of soil. They all get the same seed (Gospel) but each one responds to it differently. What kind of soil are you?
