Uncommen: SoilSampel

Uncommen: Soil


Seed That Fell Along The Path

If you are familiar with the parable of the sower, you know it talks about seed (the Gospel) scattered on different types of soil. In case you didn't know, you and I are the soil.

Today's Soil Sample: The Path

Have you ever been walking down a dirt road or even a paved walkway and see a flower right on the edge? While it may look nice, you think, "someone is going to step on this flower and kill it." It's too close to the road and will not be there for long. 

There is a road I drive on frequently that doesn't have a turning lane. So people naturally make their own by driving on the grass right at the corner. They don't want to wait for the car in front who is going straight to get out of the way, so they improvise. Over time, the grass has been killed further and further away from the road. 

In verse 19, Jesus tells us, "the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road." Similar to the seed mentioned in verse 4 as well, this seed is completely resistant to the Gospel. You could say "dead in their sins." They're snatched by the evil one and eaten by the birds.

Ligonier Ministries helps us here by noting... "His heart is calcified to the point where it resists all penetration by the seed, which is devoured by the Evil One and his minions, who were often represented by birds in first-century Jewish literature."

What can we do for people like this? Well, often, people this opposed to the Gospel can be challenging to converse with and convert. Ultimately, we should be praying for these kinds of people. God is the one who changes hearts. We can't force them to have an interest in the Gospel; it must come from God.

So, we should pray. However, we should find opportunities to talk about Jesus and display Christ-like characteristics. We may not be able to have sit-down conversations about the Gospel, but we can pique curiosity. 

As believers, we certainly don't want to be resistant to the Gospel. It should penetrate every part of our lives. We need help with that. It starts with prayer. Ask God to help be receptive to His Word and His sanctification.

Uncommen Questions:

Do you evangelize?

Does the Gospel penetrate your life?

Uncommen Challenge:

Pray for unbelievers. Pray for yourself.

Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

Uncommen: Soil

Join us as we look at the parable of the sower spreading seed on four different kinds of soil. They all get the same seed (Gospel) but each one responds to it differently. What kind of soil are you?
