Mary's TreasureSampel

Mary's Treasure


It is Finished

I suddenly see all my treasures set right

Their meaning much deeper, the truth shining bright.

The moments I treasured were only in part

But now fully known they revive my faint heart.

Not simply to comfort but wholly restore

The plan of salvation their purpose explores.

With mighty right hand, He extends heaven’s keys.

With Eden’s curse lifted, sin’s debt is appeased.

Through red cord of blood, my sins’ stain He forgives.

With spotless lamb slain free of death now we live.

A seed must be buried and die in the ground, 

To multiply seeds for a harvest abound.

God’s grand scheme of love these small trinkets display 

Creation made new by my child in the hay.

Explore more of Mary's Treasure with the devotional set.  

Author: Erin Greneaux     Illustrator: Taisiia Kolisnyk

Hari 23

Perihal Pelan

Mary's Treasure

In this devotional written from the perspective of Jesus' mother, Mary vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as a mom. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.
