Running From The HeartSampel

Running From The Heart



She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. (Proverbs 31:25)

Where did Rebecca’s strength come from? 

“It comes from within, as I seek God with all my heart...” 

Rather like running in a race, Rebecca would seek God with expectancy and eager anticipation as she read and meditated over her Bible, prayed and worshiped God. It was while she was waiting on God that she clothed herself with strength. 

Rebecca’s lifestyle demonstrated the triumph of the grace of God in every area of her life and she endured with such dignity. Because she knew and trusted God, she was free to laugh at the days to come. Rebecca was definitely not afraid, writing,

“I don’t even know what tomorrow holds, I just know God holds me and that’s enough”

“Enjoy life to the full! This morning I enjoyed just being together with friends, talking, laughing enjoying each other and listening to beautiful music by Bach...” 

“Today has been another gift from God, precious and joyful, I see God has put great blessings into my life: love, joy, peace, friends and family…” 

Rebecca’s best friends from her high school in London sent us a beautiful and thoughtful gift. They had painted a picture of a tree, and its branches were laden with precious memories of Rebecca. One of them read, “Laughing so hard it made her eyes water!” That was our Rebecca, she laughed like she meant it – such an infectious laugh!


A cheerful heart is good medicine. (Proverbs 17:22) 

Laughter and our sense of humor are gifts from God. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under Heaven, a time to weep and a time to laugh.

Are you free enough to laugh at the days to come? Who could you bless with some fun and laughter today?

Passing the Baton: 

Receive strength in your quiet time with God, and laugh at the days to come. 


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the gift of laughter that refreshes my soul and brings light and lightness to my day. 

Help me to bring laughter and joy to those you bring into my life. 


Hari 28Hari 30

Perihal Pelan

Running From The Heart

Running from the Heart was written from the broken heart of a mother as a legacy to her beautiful daughter, Rebecca, who unexpectedly, was called home to Heaven. Each devotional is based on Rebecca's journal entries that speak of a life well lived. We pray that each devotional will inspire you on your own spiritual journey, to live a courageous life for Jesus Christ.
