Running From The HeartSampel

Running From The Heart


Romantic Love 

Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. (Proverbs 4:23, HCSB)

With a hard romantic choice to be made, Rebecca wrote, 

“This morning, I’m asking God to give me strength and grace, to make the right choice, even if it’s painful... Dear God, to be fully free in you, I want to lay my life down and say, I give you my dreams, my hopes, my desires, my heart.” 

Rebecca had told me that God had spoken to her in regards to a relationship,“If He has spoken, will He not fulfill it?” She was going to trust God’s promises. 

“What is my passion? What is the one thing? To draw near to God with my whole heart and He will draw near to me.”

Rebecca was always going to put Jesus first and she knew He was the only one that would ever be able to fill her heart. But, she did believe God had a soul mate for her, writing,

“There is one my soul is tied to, since the beginning of time God arranged such a perfect union, no person can thwart God’s perfect plan. I will wait; I will trust. He knows me better than anyone. He is my helper and I am his forever, hearts as one (she drew a heart).” 

I believe the spirit is always working to bring the bride of Christ to her bridegroom. Scripture tells us that the Church is the bride of Christ, and He is our bridegroom! At Rebecca’s memorial, God mercifully carried me through with a vision of her as a beautiful bride meeting her bridegroom, with Alex close by.


For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery but I am talking about Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-32) 

One day, we will all meet our Heavenly bridegroom, our Savior, who is perfect in every way. He is the one we should desire above all others. He is the only one who fully completes and satisfies the deepest longing of our soul. Jesus is the only perfect one who will never let us down.

What is your passion? What is your one thing?

Passing the Baton: 

Guard your heart because out of it flows the wellspring of life. 


Dear Lord Jesus, I adore you. Thank you for your love for me. You are the lover of my soul and my heart rejoices in you. Help me to trust you and to allow you to take full possession of my heart. 

My beloved is mine and I am His, and His banner over me is love. Amen.

Hari 27Hari 29

Perihal Pelan

Running From The Heart

Running from the Heart was written from the broken heart of a mother as a legacy to her beautiful daughter, Rebecca, who unexpectedly, was called home to Heaven. Each devotional is based on Rebecca's journal entries that speak of a life well lived. We pray that each devotional will inspire you on your own spiritual journey, to live a courageous life for Jesus Christ.
