Running From The HeartSampel

Running From The Heart



He has made everything beautiful in its time... (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Rebecca’s heart was touched by the truth of this verse and she wrote it in the shape of a heart in her journal and on the cards, she sent out. It was a truth she trusted and rested her life on. 

Gentle reminders from Rebecca’s journal:

“God’s timing is perfect! This is something easy to see, though difficult to understand. But, sometimes I wonder why it has taken so long for my eyes to open to see the way God works.” 

“He controls time and is always on time. He is working in the world in how things happen.” 

“There is a lot I am handing over to God. Although my heart has broken and life is hard, His love is sweet. It’s His love that makes us and everything beautiful! God’s timing is perfect and I know God will give beauty for ashes. Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” 

As I read Rebecca’s words, I am missing her so much, but I do believe that her Father in Heaven called her home in His perfect timing. 

I am humbled that you are reading this devotional and my prayer is that beauty will continue to rise up out of the ashes as you let Christ’s light shine through you.


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) 

If you’ve committed your life to Christ, God really does work “in all things” for you. God is in control of your circumstances and your life is in His hands, even when things happen that don’t make any sense. In His providence, He is working ‘in all things’ to accomplish His eternal plan and purpose. 

God has a plan for your life, and He is working to reveal more of Christ in and through you. Through the hard times and in the struggle, let hope arise and the beauty of Christ will shine through you. 

How can you let the beauty of Christ shine through you? 

Passing the Baton: 

Trust God to make all things beautiful in His time. 


Dear Heavenly Father, I’m sorry for the times I forget you are in control and that you hold all things in your powerful hand for my good and for your glory. Amen.

Hari 22Hari 24

Perihal Pelan

Running From The Heart

Running from the Heart was written from the broken heart of a mother as a legacy to her beautiful daughter, Rebecca, who unexpectedly, was called home to Heaven. Each devotional is based on Rebecca's journal entries that speak of a life well lived. We pray that each devotional will inspire you on your own spiritual journey, to live a courageous life for Jesus Christ.
