Discover God's Heart DevotionalSampel

Discover God's Heart Devotional


God, Our Daily Friend

God’s Story

Psalm 60: It seems that God is angry with His people — enemies have come against the nation. The psalmist knows that “human help is worthless,” so he calls on God to deliver them from their enemies.

Psalm 61: The psalmist is overwhelmed by life. He needs God, his Strong Tower, his Refuge, the Rock who is higher than he is to lift him above his troubles.

Psalm 62: The psalmist commands his soul to rest in God, because God is his fortress and in Him he is unshakable. Power belongs to God and unfailing love is found in Him.

Psalm 63: When threatened by deadly enemies, the psalmist longs for God. God’s love is better than life, and he clings to the God who upholds him.

Psalm 64: David’s enemies conspire in secret and think they’re going to get away with their evil plans. But God will shoot them with His arrows — they won’t get away with anything.

Psalm 65: God provides for the earth. He waters its land so it bursts forth with crops and grasses for the flocks to eat. The meadows and flocks “shout for joy and sing.” Happy are those who live under the good King’s care.

Psalm 66: God has done great things — He has rescued His people and kept their feet from slipping. The psalmist beckons the earth and the people on it to praise the God who has done awesome deeds.

The King’s Heart

Over and over and over, David and the other psalmists went to God with the same basic request: “God, enemies are attacking me. I need your help.” This prayer in the Psalms is so frequent it can seem redundant.

God could have included anything He wanted in His holy Word. He determined what content would go into His Scriptures. He could have made it so that just one or two of these “Help me” prayers were preserved. But He didn’t. God kept dozens.

Why? David and the other psalmists cried out for God’s help over and over. Every day brought a new challenge, and every day they sought God in it. “I need you, God. And I’m turning to you.” Inviting God into our dailyness, our one-foot-in-front-of-the-other activity, is of utmost importance to Him.


The “streams of God” (Psalm 65:9) are demonstrations of God’s provision. Rivers are God’s life-delivery system for trees and plants. They need water and He brings it right to them. Not coincidentally, a river flows from God’s throne (see Revelation 22:1 – 2). Its waters give life too.

Hari 5Hari 7

Perihal Pelan

Discover God's Heart Devotional

These reading passages are designed to help you discover just what it means to be loved by an awesome God. Taken from the NIV Discover God's Heart Bible, they are designed to help you explore the verses that give us insight into God’s heart. These 21 daily readings will also illuminate ways in which you can grow closer to God as you learn more about the Scriptures.
